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Navigate to history entry from ui action

slightly clunky way and perhaps not ideal, but it works

navigate to the history entry. the sysid corresponds to the id of the record changed

var grSHS=new GlideRecord('sys_history_set');//--record history
if (grSHS.get('id', '8cf2d354db733f403c304662159619a2')){
var grSHL=new GlideRecord('sys_history_line');//--history
grSHL.addQuery('field', 'assignment_group'); //--or whatever field has changed
grSHL.addQuery('set', grSHS.sys_id);

//--or in a script include:
call it this way:
gs.print(si.getAuditHistory_previousValue('8cf2d354db733f403c304662159619a2', 'assignment_group'));

getAuditHistory_previousValue: function(SYSID, FIELD_CHANGED){
                                //--purpose: retrieve the audit history from somewhere where previous. cannot be used, such as a UI Action
                                var sReturn='';
                                var grSHS=new GlideRecord('sys_history_set');//--record history
                                if (grSHS.get('id', SYSID)){ //--sys_id of the record that was changed
                                                var grSHL=new GlideRecord('sys_history_line');//--history
                                                grSHL.addQuery('field', FIELD_CHANGED);//--name of the field that was changed, e.g. 'assignment_group'
                                                grSHL.addQuery('set', grSHS.sys_id);
                                                                //--return the sys id and display value, comma-separated
                                return sReturn;


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