[note more simple approach but which only works in portal (may be fixed in later versions):
set 'mandatory attachment' box to true on the catalog item ]
set 'mandatory attachment' box to true on the catalog item ]
(Courtesy of:
create a UI script - note, global can be set to false should still work
function getSCAttachmentCount() {
var length;
try {
length = angular.element("#sc_cat_item").scope().attachments.length;
} catch(e) {
length = -1;
return length;
reference the UI script in service portal
This script needs to be included in your Service Portal via the Theme. Go to Service Portal > Portals and select your portal. Then click the reference icon next to the Theme field to go to its record. There is a related list called JS Includes. Create a new one (Source: UI Script) and set the UI Script to GlobalCatalogItemFunctions
Service Portal and classic UI compatible version
Note: isolated script flag must be set to false to prevent
an error
function onSubmit() {
try {
var errMsg="You must attach the Application Discovery Form to submit.";
if (typeof spModal != 'undefined') {
//--loaded from Service Portal
//--For Service Portal
var icount = getSCAttachmentCount();
if (icount <= 0) {
//return false;//not required if the 'mandatory attachment' checkbox is ticked on the catalog item
} else {
//--loaded from classic UI
var cat_id =g_form.getParameter('sysparm_item_guid');
//alert('hello2:' + cat_id);
//--using a gliderecord in a client script not great, but not much worse than getXMLWait() for catalog client script onSubmit...
/*var gr = new GlideRecord("sys_attachment");
gr.addQuery("table_name", "sc_cart_item");
gr.addQuery("table_sys_id", cat_id);
if (!gr.next()) {
var gm = new GlideModal();
return false;
var nAttachments = document.querySelectorAll('.attachment_list_items>span').length;
//alert("Found " + nAttachments);
//--note: Isolate Script must be set to false or an error may be thrown
if (nAttachments<1) {
var gm = new GlideModal();
return false;
} catch (e) { //-- (catch-all)
alert('error-pls check [' + e.toString() + ']');
(experiment with setting the 'isolate script' flag to false if there are issues, note this is not displayed on the catalog client script form by default)
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