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ServiceNow Retrieve a href url from a string using javascript regex

 var str='INFRASTRUCTURE | AVAILABILITY | Host or monitoring unavailable | <h3>OPEN Problem P-21115004 in environment <i>Non Production</i></h3><br><small>Problem detected at: 17:09 (UTC) 26.11.2021</small><hr><b>1 impacted infrastructure component</b><hr><br><div><span>Host</span><br><b><span style=\"color:#dc172a; font-size:120%\">NOAG-OUD-VM01</span></b><br><p style=\"margin-left:1em\"><b><span style=\"font-size:110%\">Host or monitoring unavailable</span></b><br>Host or monitoring unavailable due to connectivity issues or server outage</p></div><hr><p><a target=\"_blank\" href=\";pid=-111260345472460xxxx_16379465660xxxx\">Open in Browser</a></p>';

var patt = /<a[^>]*href=["']([^"']*)["']/g;

*** Script:;pid=-111260345472460xxxx_16379465660xxxx
(ServiceNow ) 



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