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ServiceNow UI Action to allow a user to select attachments on an incident and auto-email these to 3rd party

 this solution could be extended for APIs too

UI Action:




function copyAttachments() { var gdw = new GlideDialogWindow('Email_Client_Attachments'); gdw.setTitle("Please be aware that by clicking 'OK' your attachments will be emailed to 'xxxx'"); gdw.setSize(450, 300); gdw.setPreference('sysparm_sys_id', g_form.getUniqueValue()); gdw.render(); } 

UI Page:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <j:jelly trim="false" xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:g="glide" xmlns:j2="null" xmlns:g2="null"> <j:set var="jvar_sysid" value="${sysparm_sys_id}"/> <g:evaluate var="jvar_att" jelly="true" object="true"> var arr = []; var records = []; var att = new GlideRecord("sys_attachment"); att.addEncodedQuery("table_sys_id=" + jelly.jvar_sysid); att.orderBy("file_name"); att.query(); while( { arr.push(att.file_name.toString()); records.push(att.sys_id.toString()); } var arr1 = ''; var records1 = ''; for(var i=0;i&lt;arr.length;i++) { if(i == 0) records1 = records[i]; else if(arr[i] != arr[i-1]) { records1 = records1 + ',' + records[i]; } } var att1 = new GlideRecord("sys_attachment"); att1.addEncodedQuery("sys_idIN" + records1); att1.query(); att1; </g:evaluate> <j2:if test="${jvar_att.hasNext()}"> <j:while test="${}"> <g:ui_checkbox name='related_attachment:${jvar_att.getValue("sys_id")}' value='${jvar_att.getValue("file_name")}' class='attachment_checkbox'>${jvar_att.getValue("file_name")}</g:ui_checkbox><br/> </j:while> </j2:if> <br/> <g:evaluate var="jvar_sysid" expression ="RP.getParameterValue('sys_id')" /> <button onclick="myFunctionSubmit('${jvar_sysid}')">Ok</button> <button onclick="myFunctionCancel()">Cancel</button> </j:jelly>

client script


function myFunctionSubmit(incSysID) { var x = $$('.attachment_checkbox[value=true]'); //array of the checkbox elements if (x.length == 0) { alert("Please select an attachment"); return false; } else if (x.length > 0) { var list_of_attchs_ids = ''; var attch_name = ''; for (var j = 0; j < x.length; j++) { //get the sys_id of the attachment from the checkbox element name attch_name = x[j].name.split(':'); if (list_of_attchs_ids == '') list_of_attchs_ids = attch_name[1]; else list_of_attchs_ids = list_of_attchs_ids + ',' + attch_name[1]; } var ajax = new GlideAjax("getAttachmentLists"); ajax.addParam("sysparm_name", "updateAttachmentList"); ajax.addParam("sysparm_attachmentsysid", list_of_attchs_ids); ajax.addParam("sysparm_incidentsysid", incSysID); ajax.getXML(updateWorknotes); } function updateWorknotes(response) { var answer = response.responseXML.documentElement.getAttribute("answer"); if (answer) { g_form.setValue("work_notes", answer);; } } GlideDialogWindow.get().destroy(); } function myFunctionCancel() { GlideDialogWindow.get().destroy(); }

New fields on sys_attachment table




(complete the event name)



Script include - getAttachmentLists

create event registry entry where highlighted (give it the name of your choice) and reference it in the notification above

var getAttachmentLists = Class.create(); getAttachmentLists.prototype = Object.extendsObject(AbstractAjaxProcessor, { updateAttachmentList: function() { var attachmentNames = ""; var incidentSysID, incidentNumber; var attach_sys_id = this.getParameter("sysparm_attachmentsysid"); var att = new GlideRecord("sys_attachment"); att.addEncodedQuery("sys_idIN" + attach_sys_id); att.query(); while ( { incidentSysID = att.table_sys_id; attachmentNames += " Attachments " + att.file_name + " have been emailed to HOTH" + "\n"; att.u_send_to_email_client = true; att.update(); } var rec = new GlideRecord("incident"); rec.addEncodedQuery("sys_id=" + incidentSysID); rec.query(); gs.log('JN rec'+rec.number); if ( { incidentNumber = rec.correlation_id; } var grSysAtt = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment'); //grSysAtt.addEncodedQuery("sys_idIN" + attach_sys_id); grSysAtt.addEncodedQuery('u_send_to_email_client=true'); grSysAtt.query(); if ( { var attachment = new GlideSysAttachment(); var grEmailAtt = new GlideRecord("u_tp_email_attachment"); grEmailAtt.initialize(); grEmailAtt.u_third_party = 'HOTH'; grEmailAtt.u_source_incident = rec.number; grEmailAtt.u_correlation_id = incidentNumber; grEmailAtt.insert(); } var tAtt = new GlideRecord("sys_attachment"); tAtt.addEncodedQuery("sys_idIN" + attach_sys_id); tAtt.query(); while ( { var ssID = tAtt.getValue('sys_id'); var filename = tAtt.getValue('file_name'); var conT = tAtt.getValue('content_type'); var tarG = new GlideRecord('u_tp_email_attachment'); var tarObj2 = tarG.get(grEmailAtt.sys_id); var gAtt = new GlideSysAttachment(); var gAttObj = gAtt.getContentStream(ssID); var pgAtt = new GlideSysAttachment().writeContentStream(tarG, filename, conT, gAttObj); } var upAtt = new GlideRecord("sys_attachment"); upAtt.addEncodedQuery("sys_idIN" + attach_sys_id); upAtt.query(); while ( { incidentSysID = att.table_sys_id; upAtt.u_send_to_email_client = false; upAtt.update(); } gs.eventQueue('HOTH.Email', current, attach_sys_id, incidentNumber); return attachmentNames; }, type: 'getAttachmentLists' });

script include 2 - CheckAttachment

var CheckAttachment = Class.create(); CheckAttachment.prototype = { attachment: function() { var gr = new GlideRecord("sys_attachment"); gr.addQuery("table_name", "incident"); gr.addQuery("table_sys_id", current.sys_id); gr.query(); if ( { return true; } else { return false; } } };


Custom Table (extended from DL_Matcher)





(ServiceNow )







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