var instURL = gs.getProperty('glide.servlet.uri');
if (instURL.indexOf('') > -1) {
gs.print('do not run on prod');
} else {
var cmdb_rel_count = getCMDBciRELcount();
var cmdb_endpoint_count = getCMDBendpointCount();
var runDelete = false; //--counts only if false, no delete
runDelete = true; //--deletes/tidyup enabled
gs.log('Script start...[cmdb_ci_rel count=' + cmdb_rel_count + ']', 'CMDB Tidyup');
gs.log('Script start...[cmdb_ci_endpoint_manual count=' + cmdb_endpoint_count + ']', 'CMDB Tidyup');
gs.log('Script start...[runDelete=' + runDelete + ']', 'CMDB Tidyup');
cmdb_rel_count = getCMDBciRELcount();
cmdb_endpoint_count = getCMDBendpointCount();
gs.log('Script end...[cmdb_ci_rel count=' + cmdb_rel_count + ']', 'CMDB Tidyup');
gs.log('Script end...[cmdb_ci_endpoint_manual count=' + cmdb_endpoint_count + ']', 'CMDB Tidyup');
function getCMDBciRELcount() {
var gr = new GlideRecord('cmdb_rel_ci');
return (gr.getRowCount());
function getCMDBendpointCount() {
var gr = new GlideRecord('cmdb_ci_endpoint_manual');
return (gr.getRowCount());
function cmdb_tidyup(runDelete) {
var gr = new GlideRecord('cmdb_ci_endpoint_manual');
gr.chooseWindow(0, 200000);
epsWithoutService = [];
while ( {
var epSysId = gr.getValue('sys_id');
var grCiAssoc = new GlideRecord('svc_ci_assoc');
grCiAssoc.addQuery('ci_id', epSysId);
if (!grCiAssoc.hasNext()) {
if (runDelete) {
var directRel = gr.getValue('direct_relation');
if (directRel) {
var grRel = new GlideRecord('cmdb_rel_ci');
if (epsWithoutService.length > 0) {
gs.log('found ' + epsWithoutService.length + ' endpoints wich are not associated with a service', 'CMDB Tidyup');
/* gs.log('EPsa are:', 'CMDB Tidyup');
gs.log(epsWithoutService, 'CMDB Tidyup'); */
Haven't tested these all recently within global/local scopes, so feel free to have a play! option 1 use an encoded query embedded in the GlideRecord , e.g. var grProf = new GlideRecord ( 'x_cls_clear_skye_i_profile' ); grProf . addQuery ( 'status=1^ owner=NULL ' ); grProf . query (); even better use the glideRecord addNotNullQuery or addNullQuery option 2 JSUtil.nil / notNil (this might be the most powerful. See this link ) example: if ( current . operation () == 'insert' && JSUtil . notNil ( current . parent ) && ! current . work_effort . nil ()) option 3 there might be times when you need to get inside the GlideRecord and perform the check there, for example if the code goes down 2 optional routes depending on null / not null can use gs.nil : var grAppr = new GlideRecord ( 'sysapproval_approver' ); var grUser = new GlideRecord ( 'sys_user' ); if ( grUser . get ( 'sys_id' , current . approver )){...
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