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ServiceNow Workspace list actions


bulk create incidents from interactions 

(c) Jithender Nayini


var canCreateIncident = false; if ((current.isNewRecord() && current.canCreate()) || (!current.isNewRecord() && current.canWrite())) canCreateIncident = current.update(); else canCreateIncident = true; if (canCreateIncident) { var inc = new GlideRecord("incident"); inc.initialize(); inc.caller_id = current.opened_for; inc.short_description = current.short_description; inc.description = current.u_description; inc.service_offering = current.u_service_offering; inc.contact_type = current.type; if (gs.getProperty("") === 'true') { inc.work_notes = gs.getMessage('Incident created from Interaction {0}', current.number); var incSysId = inc.insert(); if (incSysId) { if (gs.getProperty('com.snc.incident.create_from_interaction.copy_attachments' , false) === 'true') { var serviceInteractionUtils = new global.ServiceInteractionUtils(); serviceInteractionUtils.copyAttachments(current, inc); } var interactionRelatedGR = new GlideRecord("interaction_related_record"); interactionRelatedGR.initialize(); interactionRelatedGR.interaction = current.sys_id; interactionRelatedGR.document_table = 'incident'; interactionRelatedGR.document_id = incSysId; interactionRelatedGR.insert(); } } action.openGlideRecord(inc); }


create a general request from interactions 

where the general request is a catalog item


var canCreateRequest = false; if ((current.isNewRecord() && current.canCreate()) || (!current.isNewRecord() && current.canWrite())) canCreateRequest = current.update(); else canCreateRequest = true; if (canCreateRequest) { var cartId = GlideGuid.generate(null); var cart = new Cart(cartId); var item = cart.addItem('d95447ce1b973010987d1fc3b24xxxx', 1); cart.setVariable(item, "onbehalfof_flag", 'Yes'); cart.setVariable(item, "on_behalf_of", current.opened_for); cart.setVariable(item, "email",; cart.setVariable(item, "short_description", current.short_description); cart.setVariable(item, "description", current.u_description); cart.setVariable(item, "related_interaction_record", current.sys_id); cart.setVariable(item, "service_or_service_offering", current.u_service_offering); cart.setVariable(item,"contact_type",current.type); cart.setVariable(item, "assignment_group", current.u_service_offering.support_group); cart.setVariable(item,"minimum_data_set",current.u_service_offering.u_minimum_data_set); var rc = cart.placeOrder(); var reqRecord = new GlideRecord('sc_request'); reqRecord.get(rc.sys_id); reqRecord.requested_for = current.opened_for; reqRecord.update(); if (rc.sys_id) { var interactionRelatedGR = new GlideRecord("interaction_related_record"); interactionRelatedGR.initialize(); interactionRelatedGR.interaction = current.sys_id; interactionRelatedGR.document_table = 'sc_request'; interactionRelatedGR.document_id = rc.sys_id; interactionRelatedGR.insert(); } action.openGlideRecord(rc); }



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