ServiceNow SAMPLE REST MESSAGE Service Catalog API REST Message: to query a ServiceNow instance, use a table API type endpoint and variable substitution for the sys id parameter: endpoint:${sys_id} --- Example Script: var sSYSID = '6eed229047801200e0ef563dbb9a71c2' ; try { var r = new sn_ws . RESTMessageV2 ( 'RemoteServiceNowInstance' , 'GET_Request_Status' ); r . setStringParameterNoEscape ( 'sys_id' , sSYSID ); var authentication_type = 'basic' ; var profile_name = '6016d39dc3ef3510311f1c5ce00131f1' ; //--override authentication profile //--authentication type ='basic'/ 'oauth2' r . setAuthenticationProfile ( authentication_type , profile_name ); var response = r . execute (); var responseBody = response . getBody (); var h...